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Gardener’s Diary – Top Tips for September 2019

Enjoy our monthly Gardener’s diary for some fantastic tips on how to keep your garden going through all of the seasons.

Spring flowering Bulbs

The question on everyone’s mind – when do you plant them? The answer is now! If you are planting spring flowering bulbs such as daffodils, tulips and snowdrops, this time of year is best to get started. Pop the bulbs in containers or borders and be rewarded with a beautiful display of colour in the spring. For more tips on planting bulbs, see our latest blog post for all the information you need.

Look after your lawn

After the heatwave this summer (well – mini-heatwave), our lawns might be looking a little tired and many of us will need to re-seed to try to fix any damage. Pick up a bag of the Viano Organic Recovery granules in our store. This will not only give your existing grass a real boost, the fertilizer will give the new lawn seed the perfect start to help develop a strong root system. The grass will also be fed from the roots to the tips for a greener lawn throughout the coming winter months.


Houseplants usually require very little attention, apart from regular watering and feeding. Avoid over watering as this can lead to root death and kill the plant. Let the surface of the compost dry a little before adding more water and allow any excess to drain away.

Time to clean

If you are one of the many out there with a greenhouse, it’s time to give them a clean. Water-butts, gutters and cold frames also could do with a clear out, so they are ready to use in the Autumn. It may not be a fun task, but by removing algae, moss and grime, more light will be able to come through which helps control pests and diseases. This greatly improves the growing environment for your plants.

Love your pond

Water evaporates during windy or hot weather, causing the water level to drop. The reduced surface area can be damaging for fish as there is less oxygen available. Top up the pond if necessary. Ideally, use the water from a butt as tap water is rich in nutrients that causes algae to prosper. If you do have to use tap water and there are fish in your pond, gradually add in small amounts of the water to prevent the cold liquid shocking the fish.

Published September 6th, 2019 by Grace Brown. Article ref 5994

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