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Bulbs have arrived – Get yours here!

Bulbs are now in stock and ready to plant. From Daffodils, to Tulips to Snowdrops, we have plenty for your garden to bloom bright next Spring!

What do we have?

Here at the garden centre we have a range of bulbs for you provided by Taylor’s Bulbs, a fourth generation family business, growing and supplying flower bulbs and associated products since 1919. Read through for some top tips on planting your bulbs from the experts themselves.

Tête-à-tête – Species Narcissus

  • Soil/Position – Daffodils like well-drained but moist, humus rich soil in sun or partial shade. Avoid very dry areas such as under conifers.
  • Application – Plant informally in groups; ideal for rock gardens, containers and terraces. Plant 10cm deep and 10cm apart approximately.
  • When? – Plant from August onward for flowers in March/April. Flowering height is 15cm.
  • Cultivation – Can be left undisturbed for years , although should they become overcrowded, once the leaves have withered, lift, divide and replant immediately.
  • Expert’s Tips – Great for naturalising woodlands or lawns.
  • Shop – 8 bulbs per pack at £2.99.

Pretty Princess – Tulips

  • Soil/Position – Tulips will grow in a wide range of soils provided there is good drainage. They like sunshine but the flowers will last longer in partial shade.
  • Application – Ideal for beds and borders. Remove flower heads as they begin to fade. Avoid planting repeatedly in exactly the same location. Plant 10cm deep and 10cm apart approximately.
  • When? – Plant from August onward for flowers April/May. Flowering height 35cm.
  • Cultivation – Best lifted when the leaves fade. Clean and store until Autumn when they can be replanted. Do not keep the small off-shoots as they will not flower.
  • Expert’s Tips – Display in groups. Protect newly plated bubs from mice and squirrels.
  • Shop – 5 bulbs per pack at £3.99.

New Star – Narcissus

  • Soil/Position – Daffodils like well drained but moist, humus rich soil in partial shade. Avoid very dry areas such as under conifers.
  • Application – Plant informal groups in beds and borders, under deciduous shrubs and trees, in lawns and outdoor containers. Plant 12cm deep and 10cm apart approximately.
  • When? – Plant from August onward for flowers in April. Flowering height 40cm
  • Cultivation – Can be left undisturbed for years although should they become overcrowded, once the leaves have withered, life, divide and replant immediately.
  • Expert’s Tips –  Allow the foliage to die naturally as early removal can cause the bulb not to flower the following year. Feed after flowering with a low nitrogen fertiliser.
  • Shop – 5 Bulbs per pack at £2.99

Paperwhite Grandiflora – Narcissus

  • Soil/Position – For growing indoors only in pots or bowls.
  • Application – These bulbs begin to grow early autumn and are unsuitable for growing outdoors in the average garden due to winter temperatures.
  • When? – Flowering indoors November onward. Flowering height 40cm.
  • Indoor Planting – Plant bulbs upright in bulb fibre so that the tip of the bulb is just level with the top of the fibre. Moisten the bulb fibre and place the container in a warm, light spot. Keep the bulb fibre moist. These bulbs do not require a cold period.
  • Expert’s Tips –  These bulbs may shoot after packing. This is a natural process and they may still be planted with no detriment to the quality of the flowers.
  • Shop – 3 Bulbs per pack at £2.99.

Delft Blue – Hyacinth


  • Soil/Position – Garden hyacinths will grow in a wide range of soils provided there is good drainage. They like sunshine but the flowers will last longer in partial shade.
  • Application – Suitable for beds, borders and containers. The fragrant flowers are perfect for planting near doors, windows or pathways. Plant 15cm deep and 15cm apart.
  • When? – Plant from August onward for flowers indoor in February and outdoor March/April. Flowering height 25cm.
  • Cultivation – Remove flowers when they fade but leave stem and leaves to die back naturally. If left in the ground these bulbs may produce reasonable sized flowers for a number of years.
  • Expert’s Tips – Hyacinth bulbs can cause skin irritation. Please use gloves or wash hands after handling.
  • Shop – 6 Bulbs per pack at £3.99.

Honky Tonk – Tulips

  • Soil/Position – Tulips will grow in a wide range of soils provided there is good drainage. They like sunshine but flowers will last longer in partial shade.
  • Application – Ideal for beds and borders. Plant 8cm deep and 10cm apart. Remove flower heads ads they begin to fade.
  • When? – Plant from August onward for flowers in April/May. Flowering height 15cm.
  • Cultivation – Can be left in the ground in a warm, sunny spot to naturalise (leaving in for flowers year after year). Display in groups or try planting the taller varieties with hyacinth and crocus.
  • Expert’s Tips –  Ideal for naturalising under deciduous trees and shrubs.
  • Shop – 10 Bulbs per pack at £2.99

English Grown Bluebells – Hyacinthoides Non-Scripta

  • Soil/Position – Bluebells like full sun or partial shade and a well-drained soil with a good supply of humus such as leaf mould or compost.
  • Application – Ideal for naturalising (leaving in for flowers year after year) in borders, wilds gardens, woodlands and between shrubs and trees. Plant approximately 10cm deep and 10cm apart.
  • When? – Plant from August onward for flowers in May. Flowering height 30cm.
  • Cultivation – These bulbs are hardy and require no special attention. Should they become overcrowded, lift and divide and replant after flowering.
  • Expert’s Tips –  Once established, hyacinthoides will spread rapidly. Ideal for garden fragrance.
  • Shop – 7 Bulbs per pack at £3.99.

Pheasant’s Eye – Narcissus

  • Soil/Position – Daffodils like well-drained but moist, humus rich soil in sun or partial shade. Avoid very dry areas such as under conifers.
  • Application – Plant informal groups in beds and borders, under deciduous shrubs and trees, in lawns and outdoor containers. Plant 12cm deep and 10cm apart.
  • When? – Plant from August onward for flowers in April/May. Flowering height 40cm.
  • Cultivation – Can be left undisturbed for years although should they become overcrowded, once leaves have withered, lift, divide and replant immediately.
  • Expert’s Tips –  Allow foliage to die naturally as early removal can cause the bulb to not flower the following year. Feed after flowering with a low nitrogen fertilizer.
  • Shop – 5 Bulbs per pack at £2.99.

Species Mix – Crocus

  • Soil/Position – Crocus will grow in a wide range of soil provided there is good drainage. They like sunshine but the flowers will last longer in partial shade.
  • Application – Excellent for naturalising (leaving in for flowers year after year). Suitable for rockeries, between shrubs and in any kind of container. Plant 5cm deep and 5cm apart.
  • When? – Planting from August onward for flowers in February/March. Flowering height 8cm.
  • Cultivation – Should they become overcrowded after a few years, lift when the foliage has died down, divide and replant.
  • Expert’s Tips –  When planting, place wire netting just under the soil surface to prevent mice or squirrels eating the corns.
  • Shop – 20 Bulbs per pack at £2.99.

Peacock Mixed – Tulips

  • Soil/Position – Tulips will grow in a wide range of soils provided there is good drainage. They like sunshine but the flowers will last longer in partial shade.
  • Application – Ideal for beds, borders and containers. Remove flower heads as they begin to fade. Avoid planting repeatedly in exactly the same location. Plant bulbs 10cm deep and 10cm apart.
  • When? – Plant from August onward for flowers in April/May. Flowering height 30cm.
  • Cultivation – Best to lift when leaves fade. Clean and store until autumn when they can be replanted. Do not keep the small off-shoots as they will not flower.
  • Expert’s Tips –  Try multi level planting in pots with other bulbs such as daffodils and crocus.
  • Shop – 10 Bulbs per pack at £2.99.

King Alfred Select – Narcissus

  • Soil/Position – Daffodils like well-drained but moist, humus rich soil in sun or partial shade. Avoid very dry areas such as under conifers.
  • Application – Plant informal groups in beds and borders, under deciduous shrubs and trees, in lawns and outdoor containers. Plant 12cm deep and 10cm apart.
  • When? – Plant from August onward for flowers in April/May. Flowering height 40cm.
  • Cultivation – Can be left undisturbed for years although should they become overcrowded, once leaves have withered, lift, divide and replant immediately.
  • Expert’s Tips –  Allow foliage to die naturally as early removal can cause the bulb to not flower the following year. Feed after flowering with a low nitrogen fertilizer.
  • Shop – 6 Bulbs per pack at £2.99.

Single Snowdrops – Galanthus

  • Soil/Position – Snowdrops like a moisture retentive soil and preferably partial shade but will tolerate full sun.
  • Application – Hardy in all areas, ideal for naturalising (leaving in for flowers year after year) in lawns, rockeries, borders and under deciduous trees. Plant 5cm and 5cm apart.
  • When? – Plant from August onward for flowers in February/March. Flowering height 10cm.
  • Cultivation – Plant immediately after purchase. Galanthus can be slow to establish so avoid moving once planted. They may not flower in the first year and also the season after moving.
  • Expert’s Tips –  Why not plant a Winter Corner near the house along with anemone blanda, chinodoxa (Glory of the snow), iris reticulata and eranthis hyemalis.
  • Shop – 15 Bulbs per pack at £3.99.

Spring Dawn – Species Narcissus

  • Soil/Position – Daffodils like well-drained but moist, humus rich soil in sun or partial shade. Avoid very dry areas such as under conifers.
  • Application – Plant informally in groups; ideal for rock gardens, containers and terraces. Plant bulbs 12cm deep and 10cm apart.
  • When? – Plant from August onward for flowers from January. Flowering height 25cm.
  • Cultivation – Can be left undisturbed for years, although should they become overcrowded, once the leaves have withered, lift, divide and replant immediately.
  • Expert’s Tips –  Great for naturalising in woodland or lawns.
  • Shop – 6 Bulbs per pack at £2.99

Cape Cod – Tulips

  • Soil/Position – Tulips will grow in a wide range of soils provided there is good drainage. They like sunshine but the flowers will last longer in partial shade.
  • Application – Ideal for beds, borders and containers. Remove flower heads as they begin to fade. Avoid planting repeatedly in exactly the same location. Plant bulbs 10cm deep and 10cm apart.
  • When? – Plant from August onward for flowers in April/May. Flowering height 30cm.
  • Cultivation – Best to lift when leaves fade. Clean and store until autumn when they can be replanted. Do not keep the small off-shoots as they will not flower.
  • Expert’s Tips –  Try multi level planting in pots with other bulbs such as daffodils and crocus.
  • Shop – 8 Bulbs per pack at £2.99.

Indoor Hyacinth in Glass Carafe – White, Pink and Blue (2.99 per box)

Growing Instructions

  • Grow on water, no compost required.
  • Check the bulb is upright and stable.
  • Add water ensuring it does not touch the base of the bulb.
  • Place in a cool and dark room (7-9°C)
  • Check the water daily and no not allow it to dry out.
  • Once the shoot is 5cm tall, place is a warm bright position (18-20°C)
  • Once in flower, move to a cool, bright position to prolong life.
  • Turn occasionally as flowers will grow towards the light.
  • Hyacinth bulbs can cause skin irritation when handling so please wash hands after use.

How to find us?

If you have never visited us before, click here for directions. We are open Monday – Saturday 9am – 5pm and Sundays 10am – 4pm. As well as bulbs, we have a range of Unwins seeds for growing all year round, to buy online or in store. If you wish to purchase any bulbs online, you can do so through our website, or give us a call on 0116 2677091 and we can let you know what is available.

Published September 3rd, 2019 by Grace Brown. Article ref 5956

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